Cooking with Vera

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Latest revision as of 03:02, 15 June 2013


[edit] Disclaimer


Please note that the United States Department of Agriculture recommends a temperature of at least 63 °C (145 °F) for beef, veal, lamb steaks and roasts in order to prevent foodborne illness.

PBA 1.jpg

PBA 2.jpg

PBA 3.jpg

PBA 4.jpg

[edit] Ingredients

[edit] Directions

  • Connect the RFXtrx433 to your Vera.
  • Install the RFXtrx433 plugin.
  • Install and setup the PBA plugin:
    • Set ThermometerDeviceID to the device id of your wireless thermometer ("RFX Temp T9/...").
    • Setup a scene with trigger "Target temperature is reached"/"Yes" and add whatever action you would like to have executed when the target temperature is reached (e.g., switch on the table light, switch on a siren, switch off the oven, play an announcement (see example below), send an email or a SMS to your guests, ...).
    • Restart LuaUPnP.
  • Select food and gradation or set a custom target temperature (via PBA device tab).
  • Enjoy your meal!

[edit] Example

Example action for announcement using SAD for Squeezebox (

LMS_IP         = '192.168.x.y'
LMS_CLI_Port   = 9090
SB_MAC         = '00:04:20:xx:xx:xx' 
PBA_SERVICE_ID = 'urn:upnp-ap15e-com:serviceId:PBA'
local ft = luup.variable_get( PBA_SERVICE_ID, 'FoodText'     , PBA_DEVICE_ID )
local gt = luup.variable_get( PBA_SERVICE_ID, 'GradationText', PBA_DEVICE_ID )
local announcement = 'Your meal is ready' -- for custom target temperature
if ft ~= '' and gt ~= ''
  announcement = 'Your ' .. tostring( ft ) .. ' is ' .. tostring( gt ) 
announcement = string.gsub( announcement or '', ' ', '+' )
announcement = '' .. announcement
LMS_Say( LMS_IP      ,   -- IP address of LMS 
         LMS_CLI_Port,   -- CLI Port of LMS (default: 9090)
         SB_MAC      ,   -- MAC address of player
         '%20'       ,   -- line 1
         '%20'       ,   -- line 2
         1           ,   -- in seconds
         announcement,   -- audio announcement
         5           ,   -- duration of announcement in seconds
         5             ) -- number of announcements
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