Desktop Shortcut

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HOWTO setup a desktop shortcut to activate a scene or control a device.

1. Get wget for Windows. 2. Create a shortcut to it on the Desktop. 3. Right click on the shortcut and open the Shortcut tab. 4. In the Target field append the following: Code: -q -O NUL "http://<vera_IP>:3480/data_request?id=lu_action &serviceId=urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1&action=RunScene&SceneNum=<scene_number>"

Here's an example: Code: "D:\Programs\wget.exe" -q -O NUL " &serviceId=urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1&action=RunScene&SceneNum=6"

To control a device: Code: http://<vera_IP>:3480/data_request?id=lu_action&output_format=xml&DeviceNum=<device_number> &serviceId=urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1&action=SetTarget&newTargetValue=<1 to turn on, 0 to turn off>

You can find the whole Luup requests list Luup_Requests.

in Linux or OSX you can use curl -0 instead of wget.exe