Windows Serial Proxy

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Revision as of 20:36, 28 June 2009 by Micasaverde (Talk | contribs)

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Luup plugins talk to serial ports (RS232) using a serial->ethernet proxy. This allows the serial ports to reside anywhere on the network, including devices like the Global Cache GC100. If you want to connect your Luup device to a COM port on your windows computer, download this zip file:

Unpack the contents into a directory on your windows computer, such as C:\serproxy and start a command prompt by choosing "Run" and entering: cmd

Change to the directory that contains the contents of, such as typing: cd \serproxy

Run the program by typing this in the console:

serproxy.exe ip windows port

where "ip" is the IP address of Vera, and "port" is a Windows com port, such as COM2. For example:

serproxy.exe windows COM1