Leviton LED Debugging

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Leviton LED debugging

On the 'Scenes' tab for a scene/zone controller if you check the box: "Automatically turn on/off the scene indicator lights" then MiOS should manage the LED's for you turning them on and off. If that's not happening, the first thing to do is be sure MiOS even CAN turn the lights on/off. The command to turn the LED's on/off is not exposed in the UI because it's not something users normally would do. But, you can do it manually. The easiest way to do this is to open a web browser and go to this URL:


so if the IP of vera is, open:

Then select the scene controller, and then select "SetLight (newValue,Indicator)". Don't worry about the error message, the URL will look like this:

Edit it and after newValue= put in 0,1,2 or 3 where 0=off, 1=green, 2=red, 3=orange. After the Indicator= put the button number, such as 4 for button #4. So if your scene controller is device #24 and you want to make button #2 go orange, do:

You may also want to refer to this page to see how you can follow this in the logs: Logs and you'll see the if it's working the logs should show something like this:

root@MiOS_10266:/tmp/log/cmh# tail -f LuaUPnP.log | grep "^04\|^08"

08      08/13/10 20:59:34.538   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest device: 24 service: urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneControllerLED1 action: SetLight <0x1300e>
08      08/13/10 20:59:34.538   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument DeviceNum=24 <0x1300e>
08      08/13/10 20:59:34.539   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument serviceId=urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneControllerLED1 <0x1300e>
08      08/13/10 20:59:34.540   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument action=SetLight <0x1300e>
08      08/13/10 20:59:34.540   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument newValue=2 <0x1300e>
08      08/13/10 20:59:34.541   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument Indicator=3 <0x1300e>
04      08/13/10 20:59:35.749   <Job ID="24" Name="scene_ind_5 node 5" Created="10-08-13 20:59:34" Started="10-08-13 20:59:34" Completed="10-08-13 20:59:35" Duration="1.151778000" Runtime="1.143690000" Status="Successful" LastNote="Transmit was ok" Node="5" Device="24" NodeType="ZWaveController" NodeDescription="_4 button zone controller (scene)"/> <0x803>

If the LED indicators do not turn on and off, something is wrong. If they do, then MiOS can control the scene indicators, and the question is simply why are they not going on and off. The best thing to do is go to Advanced, Logs in the toolbox and check 'Verbose Logging' and then follow the Logs with this filter:

tail -f LuaUPnP.log | grep "^04\|^08\|UpdateIsActive\|SetSceneControllerIndicator"

Here is an example of a scene called "Living On" which turns on device #5 and which is bound to button #1 on the scene controller #24 (node 5):

root@MiOS_10266:/tmp/log/cmh#  tail -f LuaUPnP.log | grep "^04\|^08\|UpdateIsActive\|SetSceneControllerIndicator"
08      08/13/10 21:07:55.329   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest device: 0 service: urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1 action: RunScene <0x2c0c>
08      08/13/10 21:07:55.329   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument SceneNum=9 <0x2c0c>
08      08/13/10 21:07:55.330   Scene::RunScene running 9 Living On <0x2c0c>
08      08/13/10 21:07:55.332   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest device: 5 service: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1 action: SetTarget <0x2c0c>
08      08/13/10 21:07:55.333   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument newTargetValue=1 <0x2c0c>
10      08/13/10 21:07:56.717   Scene::UpdateIsActive 9 Living On is now 1 <0x803>
10      08/13/10 21:07:56.718   ZWaveNode::SetSceneControllerIndicator button: 1 value 1 state was: 98 now: 99 <0x803>
04      08/13/10 21:07:56.784   <Job ID="32" Name="Level 99 node 4" Created="10-08-13 21:07:55" Started="10-08-13 21:07:55" Completed="10-08-13 21:07:56" Duration="1.359941000" Runtime="1.355686000" Status="Successful" LastNote="Transmit was ok" Node="4" Device="5" NodeType="ZWaveDimmableLight" NodeDescription="Dining"/> <0x803>
04      08/13/10 21:07:57.247   <Job ID="33" Name="sc_ind 5.1" Created="10-08-13 21:07:56" Started="10-08-13 21:07:56" Completed="10-08-13 21:07:57" Duration="0.504798000" Runtime="0.452909000" Status="Successful" LastNote="Transmit was ok" Node="5" Device="24" NodeType="ZWaveController" NodeDescription="_4 button zone controller (scene)"/> <0x803>

The run scene comes in at 21:07:55.329, which triggers the 'on' for the light at 21:07:55.332, which at 21:07:56.717 causes the scene to be marked 'active' (ie now=1 where 1=active). At 21:07:56.718 it decides to set button #1 to value 1 (green). At 21:07:56.784 the job to turn the light on has finished and at 21:07:57.247 the job to adjust the scene LED is finished.

Next I turn the light off, and you can see the scene becomes inactive and the scene indicator goes off:

08      08/13/10 21:11:24.599   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest device: 5 service: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1 action: SetLoadLevelTarget <0x680e>
08      08/13/10 21:11:24.600   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument DeviceNum=5 <0x680e>
08      08/13/10 21:11:24.601   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument serviceId=urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1 <0x680e>
08      08/13/10 21:11:24.601   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument action=SetLoadLevelTarget <0x680e>
08      08/13/10 21:11:24.602   JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument newLoadlevelTarget=0 <0x680e>
10      08/13/10 21:11:26.019   Scene::UpdateIsActive 9 Living On is now 0 <0x803>
10      08/13/10 21:11:26.020   ZWaveNode::SetSceneControllerIndicator button: 1 value 0 state was: 99 now: 98 <0x803>
04      08/13/10 21:11:26.142   <Job ID="38" Name="Level 0 node 4" Created="10-08-13 21:11:24" Started="10-08-13 21:11:24" Completed="10-08-13 21:11:26" Duration="1.397052000" Runtime="1.387392000" Status="Successful" LastNote="Transmit was ok" Node="4" Device="5" NodeType="ZWaveDimmableLight" NodeDescription="Dining"/> <0x803>
04      08/13/10 21:11:26.480   <Job ID="39" Name="sc_ind 5.1" Created="10-08-13 21:11:26" Started="10-08-13 21:11:26" Completed="10-08-13 21:11:26" Duration="0.376782000" Runtime="0.331100000" Status="Successful" LastNote="Transmit was ok" Node="5" Device="24" NodeType="ZWaveController" NodeDescription="_4 button zone controller (scene)"/> <0x402>
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