Scripts for scenes

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Scene that runs only if a security sensor hasn't been tripped in a set period of time

1. Create a new scene. In that scene:

2. Create a timer and set it to run every minute.

3. In the Luup Code section put the following code:
local deviceNo = 22
local period = 15
local SS_SID = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1"
local armed = luup.variable_get(SS_SID, "Armed", deviceNo)
if armed == "1" then
   local lastTrip = luup.variable_get(SS_SID, "LastTrip", deviceNo) or os.time()
   lastTrip = tonumber(lastTrip)
   if (os.difftime(os.time(), lastTrip) / 60) >= period then
       return true
return false

deviceNo is the sensor's device number, which you can get by going into its Toolbox, in the Advanced tab.

period is the time (in minutes) the sensor hasn't been tripped before running the scene.

Note: The sensor must be armed for this to work, but this can be easily changed.

Scene that runs only if a security sensor has been tripped for a set period of time

1. Create a new scene. In that scene:

2. Create a timer and set it to run every minute.

3. In the Luup Code section put the following code:

local deviceNo = 22
local period = 15
local SS_SID = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1"
local armed = luup.variable_get(SS_SID, "Armed", deviceNo) or "0"
if armed == "1" then
    local tripped = luup.variable_get(SS_SID, "Tripped", deviceNo) or "0"
    if tripped == "0" then
        luup.variable_set(SS_SID, "TripPeriod", "0", deviceNo)
        local tripPeriod = luup.variable_get(SS_SID, "TripPeriod", deviceNo) or 0
        tripPeriod = tonumber(tripPeriod)
        tripPeriod = tripPeriod + 1
        luup.variable_set(SS_SID, "TripPeriod", tripPeriod, deviceNo)
        if tripPeriod == period then
            return true
return false

deviceNo is the sensor's device number, which you can get by going into its Toolbox, in the Advanced tab.

period is the time (in minutes) the sensor has been tripped before running the scene.

Note: The sensor must be armed for this to work, but this can be easily changed.

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