Remotec ZXT-120

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Remotec ZXT-120

The Remotec ZXT-120 is a Z-Wave AC Thermostat, that allows you to control various brands of AC's. This device has a built-in code list to allow control of various brands of AC. The user manual can be found here and the AC code list can be found here.


After you include the Remotec ZXT-120 AC thermostat on Vera, you will have to set a configuration parameter on the device to be able control your specific brand or AC.

Zxt120 panel.png
This can be done by opening the device's control panel, and going to the Device options page as it can be seen below.

Device options ui7.png

Then set the value for your specific brand of AC to control it. To do thsi simply press on the "Add configuration settings" button, then type in Variable "27", Data Size "1 byte dec" and the Desired Value "XX". You can find a list with all the values here.

Zxt120 settings.png

Save the changes, and wait for Vera to finish. Once finished you should be able to control your AC. If you can't do that try to use a different code from the list.