Ping Sensor Plugin

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Revision as of 19:11, 13 September 2009 by TedStriker (Talk | contribs)

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This Luup-device can ping different IP-based network devices like routers, computers, iPhones, network-printers, even internet sites and so on. The result of the ping is being reported to Vera. It's intended to be used as sensor in scenes. So you can trigger scenes if a device (or site) becomes available or unavailable.

How does it work

For every ip you want to observe a own Luup device has to be created. After installation you only have to configure the IP or FQDN in the "Address" field and a delay time in seconds when a ping should occur has to be put in the "RepetitionDelay" field.

The "Active" field is an equivalent to the "Armed" field of motion sensors. It can be used in future releases to let scenes only react on active ping sensors.

The "Present" field shows to you, if the pinged device is reachable ("1") or not ("0")


To install and configure the sensor do the following steps:

  1. Download the ZIP file containing the device definitions from here
  2. Unzip the file to harddisk. The following files are contained:
  3. Goto Devices --> Luup plugins --> Luup files

Technical background

coming soon

Known issues

  • Update the UI on state-change (device becomes visible or unvisible to the plugin)
  • Display a red / green circle (similar to motion sensors) to indicate the presence of a device
  • Active / Inactive Buttons (even this should work similar to the motion sensors "Armed" and "Bypass")
  • Show up as a sensor in the scene-events.
  • A custom icon should be displayed instead of the na.gif

  • Invoked UPnP functions have no effect.<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: small; line-height: normal; " />


The Ping Sensor plugin is discussed in this forum thread:

Feel free to ask questions on that thread, as well as make any suggestions & contributions to the future development of the Ping Sensor plugin's functionality.