Networking Setup:Vera WiFi in Client Mode

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Revision as of 16:02, 11 March 2009 by Cj man (Talk | contribs)

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If you allready have an wireless network adn you want to connect vera to it, you'll need to set Vera WiFi in Client mode. TO do that follow the following steps:

Step0. Unplug any cables from the WAN Port
Step1. Open Vera Web Admin page:
Step2. Go to Advanced -> Net&wi-fi
Step3. Set:
            - Firewall to No Firewall (bridge)
            - Dhcp Server: off
       Press Save&Applay
Step4. Go to Advanced -> Net&wi-fi -> Advanced Configurations
       If you haven't setup any users, login with root ( by default there is no password)
Step5. Go to Network -> Wireless
Step6. Wireless Adapter wl0 Configuration
        Set Radio to On and Channel to Auto
Step7. Wireless Virtual Adaptor Configuration for Wireless Card wl0 
        Set Mode to Client
        Set ESSID, Encryption Type, according to your existing wireless network
Step8. Press Save && Applay Changes
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