Networking Setup:Vera WiFi in Client Mode

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Revision as of 01:32, 2 August 2009 by LibraSun (Talk | contribs)

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If you already have a wireless network and you want to connect Vera to it, you'll need to set Vera Wi-Fi to Client mode. To do that follow these steps:

Step 0. Unplug any cables from the WAN Port
Step 1. Open Vera Web Admin page:
Step 2. Go to Advanced -> Net&Wi-Fi
Step 3. Set:
            - Firewall: No Firewall (bridge)
            - DHCP Server: Off
       Press Save & Apply Changes
Step 4. Go to Advanced -> Net&Wi-Fi -> Advanced Configurations
       If you haven't setup any users, login with root (by default there is no password)
Step 5. Go to Network -> Wireless
Step 6. Wireless Adapter wl0 Configuration
        Set Radio to On and Channel to Auto
Step 7. Wireless Virtual Adapter Configuration for Wireless Card wl0 
             - Mode: Client
             - ESSID: (according to your existing wireless network)
             - Encryption Type: (according to your existing wireless network)
Step 8. Press Save & Apply Changes
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