Create Virtual Switch Manually

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Revision as of 16:08, 15 January 2013 by Mcvflorin (Talk | contribs)

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These instructions are for creating a virtual switch which is compatible with ALL the mobile apps, plus other plugins.


  1. Download the attached I_VirtualSwitch.xml file.
  2. In the Toolbox section, open MiOS(Vera) Developers, then open the Luup files tab.

MiOS(Vera) Developers

  1. Upload the I_VirtualSwitch.xml file.

Luup files

  1. Click GO.
  2. Open the Create device tab.
  3. Fill in the UpnpDevFilename and UpnpImplFilename fields like in the picture.

Create device

  1. Enter a name for the switch in the Description field.
  2. Click Create device.
  3. Reload the Luup engine: press the button with the curved arrows like in the picture.

The Reload button

  1. Refresh the UI: press Ctrl + F5.

The created virtual switch


  1. Download the attached I_VirtualSwitch.xml file.
  2. Navigate to Apps >> Develop Apps >> Luup files.
  3. Upload the I_VirtualSwitch.xml file.
  4. Click GO.
  5. Open the Create device page.
  6. Fill in the Upnp Device Filename and Upnp Implementation Filename fields like in the picture.
  7. Enter a name for the switch in the Description field.
  8. Click Create device.
  9. Reload the Luup engine: press the blue Reload button like in the picture.
  10. Refresh the UI: press Ctrl + F5.