Parsing Vera User Data - Loadable as .NET Dataset

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Revision as of 14:10, 25 September 2011 by Mysticjay (Talk | contribs)

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This is most likely not an elegant way to dothis, but in case someone wants something similar feel free to use this. Please suggest if there are better ways of accomplishing this and if you happen to know so, update this page :)

1. This will give you a single xml file you could load in .NET through Dataset.Readxml and you will get about 14 tables.

2. Devices have states and ControlURLs , these become a separate table with a new attribute added to refer what Device ID a row in these tables would relate to the devices table.


  Sub Parse_UserData_To_DataSet(ByVal OutputFolder As String, _
                                         Optional ByVal veraURL As String = "http://myhome:49451")

       'Parse XML and create XML files to load in to dataset directly
       Dim ControlURL As New StringBuilder("<ControlURLs>" & vbCrLf)
       Dim States As New StringBuilder("<states>" & vbCrLf)
       Dim Entries As New ArrayList
       Dim settings As New XmlReaderSettings()
       settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse
       Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(veraURL & "/data_request?output_format=xml&id=user_data", settings)
       Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
       Dim root As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement
       Dim fout As New StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, root.Name & ".xml"))
       Dim ienumroot As IEnumerator = root.Attributes.GetEnumerator()
       fout.Write("<root ")
       While ienumroot.MoveNext
           Dim atr As XmlAttribute = ienumroot.Current
           fout.Write(atr.Name & "=" & """" & atr.Value & """ ")
       End While
       fout.Write("></root>" & vbCrLf)
       Entries.Add(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, root.Name & ".xml"))
       Dim ienum As IEnumerator = root.GetEnumerator()
       Dim ParseNode As XmlNode
       While (ienum.MoveNext())
           ParseNode = CType(ienum.Current, XmlNode)
           fout = New StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, ParseNode.Name & ".xml"))
           Entries.Add(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, ParseNode.Name & ".xml"))
           If ParseNode.Name <> "devices" Then Continue While
           'Get States / ControlURLS also as seperate table
           Dim ServiceID As Integer = 1
           Dim DeviceDetails As XmlNode
           Dim devenum As IEnumerator = ParseNode.GetEnumerator
           '-------Devices Loop
           While (devenum.MoveNext)
               DeviceDetails = CType(devenum.Current, XmlNode)
               Dim DeviceID As String = DeviceDetails.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").InnerText
               Dim devChildNode As XmlNode
               Dim childEnum As IEnumerator = DeviceDetails.GetEnumerator
               While childEnum.MoveNext
                   devChildNode = CType(childEnum.Current, XmlNode)
                   Dim DeviceIDAttr As XmlAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute("DeviceID")
                   DeviceIDAttr.InnerText = DeviceID
                   If devChildNode.OuterXml.StartsWith("<state") Then
                       States.Append(devChildNode.OuterXml & vbCrLf)
                       Dim serviceIDstr As String = "<service_" & ServiceID
                       Dim strtoWrite As String = devChildNode.OuterXml.Replace(serviceIDstr, "<service ID=""" & ServiceID & """ ")
                       strtoWrite = strtoWrite.Replace("</service_" & ServiceID & ">", "</service>")
                       ControlURL.Append(strtoWrite & vbCrLf)
                       ServiceID += 1
                   End If
               End While
           End While
           '------Devices Loop
       End While
       States.Append("</states>" & vbCrLf)
       fout = New StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "states.xml"))
       ControlURL.Append("</ControlURLs>" & vbCrLf)
       fout = New StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "ControlURL.xml"))
       Entries.Add(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "states.xml"))
       Entries.Add(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "ControlURL.xml"))
       'Parsing Done
       'Create a Single XML file so it can be loaded in to dataset with Dataset.ReadXML
       Dim finalDS As New DataSet
       For Each fname As String In Entries
           Dim ds As New DataSet
               finalDS.Tables(finalDS.Tables.Count - 1).TableName = ds.Tables(0).TableName
           Catch ex As Exception
           End Try
       finalDS.WriteXml(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "UserData.xml"))
   End Sub