Schlage Lock Troubleshooting

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In order to pair your lock please follow this step by step instructions carefully:
- place Vera near the lock (under 10ft) and keep Vera connected to the internet and the black zwave dongle in it's usb port !!!
- open Vera's dashboard
- go to Setup->Advanced->Logs and enable verbose logging
- locate your Schlage 6 digit programing code
    ( more infos about schlage lock pairing are on this manual page: [[../../../../index.php/Schlage_Lock|]]  )
- go to Devices->Zwave Options and exclude your lock by:
    ( more infos about full power inclusion are on this manual page:  [[../../../../index.php?title=Full_Power_Inclusion|]] )
    +changing INCLUDE to EXCLUDE
    +low power to FULL POWER
    +and timeout from 30 to 120 seconds
then press GO button and go to your lock and:
    +type the programing code, wait for the schlage led to blink ORANGE
    + press Schlage button then 0 key and confirm that the led blinks GREEN
--- if the lock led blinks RED then repeat the exclude procedure ---

- go to Devices and confirm that your lock doesn't appear there anymore, if it's there repeat the exclude procedure
- go to the lock and reset it to factory defaults as it says on its user manual on page 4:
    *Note: Restoring factory settings WILL NOT exclude the lock from the bridge.
                DO NOT reset your lock unless you are able to locate the original programming code. Customer service cannot retrieve a lost programming code.
        +1. For FE599, disconnect the batteries. For BE369, disconnect the 9V battery.
        +2. On the lock keypad, press and release the Schlage button.
        +3. Reconnect the battery and wait until the Schlage button is no longer lit.
        +4. Within ten (10) seconds, press and hold the Schlage button until it lights green and the lock beeps.

- go  to Devices->Zwave Options and  include your lock by:
    +set to INCLUDE
    +low power to FULL POWER
    +and timeout from 30 to 120 seconds
then press GO button and go to your lock and:
    +type the programing code, wait for the schlage led to blink ORANGE
    + press Schlage button then 0 key and confirm that the led blinks GREEN
--- if the lock led blinks RED then repeat the include procedure ---
* you can see the progress written in blue text at the top of the page, bellow "Z-Wave options" page title
- wait for the lock to be added and the zwave network to be restarted then
- go to Devices and observe the lock configuration progress by going with the mouse pointer over its BLUE COG WHEEL
    ( more infos about device status are on this manual page:  [[../../../../index.php/Device_Control_Status|]] )
* during the lock configuration time you should not unplug Vera from the power cord or change / save other settings on it *
- assign the lock into a Room, press Continue and the press the Red SAVE button. Vera will continue the lock configuration.
- after the cog wheel turns green test your lock: send lock/unlock commands, then add an user code
    - confirm that you can control your lock when Vera it's near it, then move Vera at it's initial place
- after you've put back Vera at it's initial place you have to update the zwave network routing table by running "Repair my Network" from
    Device->Zwave Options with 5 minute stress time. More informations can be found here: [[../../../../index.php/Heal_Network|]]
    - wait for the Heal Network process to finish then test again your lock

- if the cog wheel turns RED or your lock doesn't respond to commands and you are sure that you've followed the above steps carefully and at every step you've seen the lock schlage led blinking GREEN then go to Advanced->Tech Support: enable it and submit a trouble report with your logs attached and tell us at what step the configuration stage failed.
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