Upgrade AEON-labs usb dongle firmware
HOW TO Upgrade the z-wave firmware of your AEON-Labs usb dongle
Contents |
- 1 Firmwareupgradeable AEON-LAbs usb dongle (DSA02203-ZWUS/EU)
- The VCP driver kit for your client (Windows / Linux / MacOS)
- Most recent compatible firmware from AEON-Labs
Heres a short manual on how to upgrade the z-wave firmware on an AEON-Labs us dongle.
1. Unplug your Black Zwave dongle from Vera's USB port.
2. Locate it's part number (it's written on the back of it). If it's: DSA02203-ZWUS/EU proceed further.
3. The procedure can be done only on a Windows PC from an account that has Administrative privileges (Administrator account).
3.1. To see the type of your account go to: Start->Control Panel->Users (User Accounts)
3.2. If you are an "Limited Account" you can't proceed further. Log-out and login into an account that is "Computer Administrator"
4. Download the Windows drivers for the Zwave Stick:
4.1. Go to: https://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBtoUARTBridgeVCPDrivers.aspx
4.2. Download VCP Driver Kit :
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=23
Windows 7: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=24
Linux: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=25
MacOS: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=26
4.3. If you don't have an unzip program (a program to extract the zip archive) grab 7zip from here: http://www.7-zip.org/
4.3.1. Download 7-Zip 4.65 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z465.exe
4.4. Extract the CP210x_VCP_Win2K_XP_S2K3.zip archive and run CP210x_VCP_Win2K_XP_S2K3.exe
4.4.1. Install the Drivers.
5. Plug the black Zwave dongle in your PC USB PORT
6. Download the Upgrade Utility: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/products/view/2/
EU: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=22
US: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=21
AU: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=38
6.1. Run it
7. Keep pressed the Zwave Stick button and press the UPGRADE button on the utility
Note: If you get a message that the Zwave stick is not found you should set a correct baud rate also:
- Start -> My Computer: right click on it and then Device Manager
- In Device Manager - expand Ports and right click on Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge then Properties.
- in this windows go to Port Settings and set:
Bits per second: 115200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow Control: none
please find more info here;
EU: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=22
US: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=21
AU: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=38
Upgrade utility:
Driver kits:
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=23
Windows 7: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=24
Linux: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=25
MacOS: http://www.aeon-labs.com/site/public/lib/download.php?type=s&f=26