Test Sequence

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Revision as of 01:49, 24 September 2008 by Micasaverde (Talk | contribs)

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1. Start with a new box, connect to it on the local LAN1 port and change the Net & Wi-Fi settings to use a static ip:, netmask:, gateway:, dns: (resolves as testvera.micasaverde.com)

2. On FindVera.com, enter: user: testvera password: myvera123 and activate

3. On rooms, enter a Bedroom and a Living Room

4. On Devices, the dimmable is "Lamp" in Living Room, the switch is "Fan" in Bedroom. Thermostat and motion are in Living Room.

5. Power on camera, wait for light to come on green. Confirm it shows up as a new device.

6. Confirm view camera works, control lights, thermostat, etc.

7. Fill in all the options for the camera: Motion Detector, 30 seconds, Lamp, 30 minutes, 20 days, check all 4 boxes

8. Create scenes: on for 30 seconds, turns lamp on for 30 seconds and off. arm home turns lamp off and arms motion detector. disarm home bypasses motion detector.

9. Choose Location

10. Add user: vera password: vera Set the SMS text and email addresses.

11. Add timer: 30 minutes lights on interval 30 minutes, turns lamp on and off after 5 seconds

12. Add timer: evening, at 6pm and 8pm turns lamp on for 10 seconds and off

13. Add event: breach, type: armed sensor, users: vera, motion detector. lamp on for 10 seconds then off

14. Add event: sunset, lamp off

15. Click save. Press F5 and confirm all settings stuck.

16. Manually arm sensors. Turn on fan, which should trip the motion sensor. 30 seconds later or so the sensor should have the red "trip" icon, and you should get a notification via sms and email..

Remove the SMS text

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