Insteon Intro

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Here's a quick walkthrough of how to get started with Insteon/X10 in Vera.

1. Connect a SmartLabs 2412U PowerLinc Modem to one of Vera's USB ports. Alternatively, you can use a 2412S (RS-232) version and this Serial to USB adapter:

2. Go to Vera's Setup page in your browser and click 'Devices', 'Insteon/X10'. If you see the message: "Insteon interface not found, do you want to enable it?", click the 'Enable it' button, and then click 'Save'. Wait a minute for Vera to enable the Insteon/X10 module and find the PowerLinc.

3. Go to 'Devices', 'Insteon/X10'. If Vera had a problem finding or setting up your Insteon modem, then you will see an error message at the top of the page under the 'Insteon/X10'. Otherwise you're good to go.

4. To add Insteon devices, click the 'Add/Remove Insteon device' button. To add X10 devices, choose the device type, house id and room in the 'Add an X10' section, then click 'go'.

5. When you've added new Insteon devices and Vera doesn't yet know what room they're in, you will see the 'unassigned devices' page, which shows you the new devices and asks you to pick the room the device is in. Do this and click continue.

6. If Vera was successfully able to talk to your Insteon device, you will see a green cog wheel next to the device as explained in Device Control Status You can click the '+' button next to a device to see more detailed information on the device, including it's ID.

Refer to the page Insteon Supported Hardware for notes on specific Insteon devices and how they work.

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